By now, you have embraced February as “Black History Month,” endured yet ANOTHER Super Bowl win by Tom Brady, bought or received Valentine’s Day Card, candy, or flowers. As we approached Mardi Gras FAT TUESDAY, we realized it was just not as FAT this year due to…drum roll…

INCLEMENT WEATHER IN TEXAS that affected ALL OF US in the DFW area!!!!

Our hopes for a GRAND ENTRANCE to the year 2021 have been threatened by snow & ice, business closings, school closings, busted water pipes, loss of power, empty grocery store shelves, and a “familiar type of shut-in” with our families. Yes, when you thought it was safe to go BACK into the water, here comes JAWS (for those too young to even know what this means, GOOGLE the movie Jaws the description will enlighten you) 😊.

Whew! Now that we have stated the negative let us accentuate the positive (learned this watching Schoolhouse Rock… I am on a retro journey) 😊 the A La Carte Catering & Cakes family is with you, as we too have experienced it all; however, we are incredibly optimistic that we will evolve marvelously, healthy and wiser. Do something for me! As a small woman-owned business specializing in food and desserts, how important are your healthy food and dessert options? Is diversity in menu choices necessary to gain your trust in providing your family excellence in catered, prepared food items?

What about heat-n-serve? Is this a service that, if provided, would make your life easier? Talk to us. A La Carte Catering & Cakes is listening! E-Mail your responses to using the subject line THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS. All responses will be entered into a drawing to receive individual heat & serve dinners for (5) five people, complete with dessert.

** PLEASE NOTE** A limited pre-selected menu of available meal choices will be sent to the winner.